Thursday, 29 April 2010
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel that you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
We have shown significant improvement from the prelim task to the full product. In the prelim task we had to show match on action, 180-degree rule and shot reverse shot. The preliminary wasn’t thought out it was all improvised and therefore it wasn’t planned and couldn’t reach it’s full potential and therefore means we didn’t manage to complete any of the criteria. In the prelim we worked in one place, which had very low lighting. We never included any elements that we were actually supposed to include do to it all being improvised. Due to the film being so dark the quality of the video is called into question, we did use effects to try and brighten the movie up, but it further reduced the quality of the video. When we compare this to the coursework task we managed to meet all of the tasks that were set (holding a shot steady where appropriate, 180 degree rule, tracking shot, pans, tilts, over the shoulder). We were extremely well organized when it came to planning out main task. Our group decided to split the various tasks between ourselves to ensure we met the deadline. After the unsuccessful prelim task we decided to go off campus to film our coursework task. We combined the Mise en scene (costume e.g. jackets and hats, lighting e.g. natural light, props e.g. gun, hat, trench coat, setting e.g. back alley setting) to create the perfect 50’s feel for our genre. The only problem with Mise en scene was the cars as they weren’t from that era but that couldn’t be helped. However one problem with the location and the time of year was that it got dark very quick. We did eventually use this to our advantage and used it to show progression of time, which combined with the black and white, was a very good natural effect. We used effects on the video (i.e. making it black and white), to set it appropriately to the time (50’s). The editing style (straight cuts, match on action, 180 degree rule) and camera work (canted angle over the shoulder shot) were done to show techniques from original noirs, however in the prelim we didn’t use a lot of horror conventions and so our prelim was hard to distinguish as a horror film.
Overall we feel that we have shown significant improvement from our preliminary task to our coursework task and have met the criteria set.